Welcome to aatmyogashala Today I bring a new topic, The Difference Between Asana and Exercise.In the modern pursuit of wellness, two terms often come into play: asana and exercise. On the surface, both activities seem to overlap in their pursuit of health. Asana, derived from the ancient Sanskrit word for “seat,” is the physical practice …
1- Annamaya Kosha Annamaya Kosha is the physical body which needs nourishment to survive. The human being is a part of the food chain as any other creature (i.e. the mammals). It is the visible part of our Self and therefore we erroneously identify ourselves with it. It is the most vulnerable of the five …
Ashtanga practice is traditionally begun with the recitation of the mantra. What we call the Ashtanga Mantra is really two shlokas (verses) from different sources. The first is a verse from the “Yoga Taravali” by Sri Shankaracharya (one of the most important saints of India, a yoga master and proponent of Advaita Vedanta, a non-dualist …