100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

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100 Hour Teacher Training Course

Beginner & Gateway to RYT 200 Hours TTC

Welcome to Aatm Yogashala for 100 Hours Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh and experience yoga like never before! This beginner-level yoga teacher training course is deemed to prepare you for a further next level of yoga teachers i.e. RYT 200 and so on. It will carve your yogic skills and knowledge.
100 Hour Yoga TTC is the only way to go on if you dreamed of as a yoga teacher! The first step of your yogic journey will be a curious practice to explore your body for the first time.
The 11 days yoga course is a yoga vacation full of yoga education! A practice to start your yogic journey. Necessarily, you are not joining the course to become a certified or professional yoga teacher, indeed, you are experiencing the true and pure magic of yoga.
Under the professional guidance of yog gurus, we let you go deeper into the sea of yogic knowledge & practice.
We ensure that these two weeks will be fully immersed in yoga. We promise yoga lovers and enthusiasts that they will take pleasant and unmemorable memories of yoga with them and surely find a way towards an inspiring yoga teacher.
Still, you are waiting...

Come & join Aatm Yogashala for a life-transforming experience!

100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Overview

Course Name 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Level Beginner
Yoga Style Multi-style (Hatha, Ashtanga, Iyengar)
Duration 11 Days
Module Residential with Meals
Language of Instruction English
Certification 100 Hour Yoga Course by Aatm Yogashala
Venue Aatm Yogashala
Location Yoga Village, Swargashram, Rishikesh
Course Fee (Private Room - $649 USD) - (Double Sharing Room - $549 USD) - (Triple Sharing Room - $449 USD)

Course Fees & Dates: for the Year 2024 - 2025


Course Fees


03rd Sep - 13th Sep 2024

Private Room - $649 USD
Double Sharing Room - $549 USD
Triple Sharing Room - $449 USD

03rd Oct - 13th Oct 2024

Private Room - $649 USD
Double Sharing Room - $549 USD
Triple Sharing Room - $449 USD

03rd Nov - 13th Nov 2024

Private Room - $649 USD
Double Sharing Room - $549 USD
Triple Sharing Room - $449 USD

03rd Dec - 13th Dec 2024

Private Room - $649 USD
Double Sharing Room - $549 USD
Triple Sharing Room - $449 USD

03rd Jan - 13th Jan 2025

Private Room - $649 USD
Double Sharing Room - $549 USD
Triple Sharing Room - $449 USD

03rd Feb - 13th Feb 2025

Private Room - $649 USD
Double Sharing Room - $549 USD
Triple Sharing Room - $449 USD

03rd Mar - 13th Mar 2025

Private Room - $649 USD
Double Sharing Room - $549 USD
Triple Sharing Room - $449 USD

Course Inclusions


FREE taxi pick-up (from Dehradun (DED) Airport)


Accommodation with attached washroom


Yogic Food (100% Vegetarian Meals)


Special Dietary (Raw, Vegan, Gluten-free)


24*7 Free Wi-Fi


2 times Tea a day (Indian/Ayurvedic/Herbal).


Teaching Materials and Modules


Certificate: 100 Hour Yoga TTC by School

Course Exclusions


Ayurvedic Panchakarma & Treatment


Air-conditioner (On Additional Charges)


Visa fee/ Air fare


Taxi pick-up from Delhi and Haridwar

Yoga Certification

All participants completing a 100 hour yoga training course are eligible to apply for 200 Hour Yoga TTC which is an internationally recognized yoga teacher certification and designation.

You will be able to develop your understanding of yoga at Aatm Yogashala to the point where you will be able to teach yoga professionally. Our graduates can apply to Yoga Alliance to become registered yoga teachers, such as RYT 200 and RYT 500, according to their qualifications.


The overall evaluation of 100 hours Yoga teacher training at Aatm Yogshala India based on below assessment:

  • ♦ Written assessment - Completion of assignment
  • ♦ Practical assessment - designing, sequencialising and conducting Yoga session
  • ♦ Student's conduct throughout the training will be an essential criteria
  • ♦ Attendance - minimum 90% wherein student must have presented the valid and agreed reason for 10% absenteeism

Course Syllabus: 100 Hour YTTC

55 Hours

Techniques, Training and Practice
Asana | Assignment | Pranayama | Meditation

10 Hours

Anatomy & Physiology

15 Hours

Yoga Humanities
History | Philosophy | Ethics

20 Hours

Professional Essentials
Teaching Methodology | Professional Development | Practicum

Asana is the starting step of yoga. Also termed the Seated posture, it allows other asanas to get performed. It is done in all styles of yoga, i.e. Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa & Iyengar. It comprises Methodology and Asana Practice. Daily 3-4 hours of practice of Yogic postures are to be done. The introduction of students to the different types of yogic postures is done methodically by increasing the difficulty level step by step. After your basic practice of Asana is done then students encounter asana flows, adjustments and awareness & breathe of subtle aspects.

  • Padmasana
  • Sukhasana
  • Vajrasana
  • Bhadrasana
  • Swastikasana
(and all sitting asana variations)
  • Padmasana
  • Tadasana
  • Triyaka Tadasana
  • Kati Chakrasana
  • Trikonasana
  • Utkatasana
  • Veerbadhrasana (I, II & III)
(and all standing asana variations)
  • Natrajasana
  • Garudasana
  • Uttitha Hasta Padangusthasana
  • Pada Angushthasana
  • Vriskshasana
  • Vatayanasana
  • Eka Padasana
  • Eka Pada Pranamasana
  • Baka Dhyanasana
  • Dwi Hasta Bhujasana
(and all balancing asana variations)
  • Sirsasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • Padma Sarvangasana
  • Urdhva Padmasana
  • Moordhasana
  • Salamba Sirsasana
  • Halasana
  • Viparita Karani
(and all inverted asana variations)
  • Ardha Matsyendrasana
  • Astavakrasana
  • Supta Udarakarshanasana
  • Meru Vakrasana
  • Parivritti Janu Sirsasana
(and all twisting asana variations)
  • Janu Sirsasana
  • Paschimottasana
  • Pada Prasar Paschimottanasana
  • Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana
  • Padahastanasana
  • Koormasana
  • Supta Pawanmuktasana
(and all forward bend asana variations)
  • Chakrasana
  • Dhanurasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Gomukhasana
  • Matsyasana
  • Supta Vajrasana
  • Ustrasana
  • Setuasana
  • Vrischikasana
  • Sarpasana
  • Shalabhasana
(and all back bend asana variations)
  • Surya Namaskar
  • Chandra Namaskar
  • Pawanmuktasana
  • Marjariasana
  • Vinyasa Flow Asanas Series
(and all dynamic asana variations)
  • Balasana
  • Savasana
  • Makarasana
  • Shashankasan
  • Supta Baddha Konasana
  • Supta Vajrasana
(and all relaxing asana variations)

Pranayama is a breathing practice or breath regulation technique. "Prana" means "Life Energy" and "Yama" means "Control" making meaning the control of breath or life energy. It comprises Physiology, Methodology & Practicum. Pranayama is the process of controlling breathing or vital energy in the body. In this subject, students learn methods to control their breath and function with vital energy in the central body part. It is an important subject for our students to make them professionally sound for their Yogic future.

  • Introduction of Pranayama
  • Natural Breating
  • Abdominal Breathing
  • Cavicular Breathing
  • Thoracic Breathing
  • Yogic Breathing
  • Nadi Shodhana
  • Bhastrika
  • Kapalbhati
  • Bhramari
  • Shitali
  • Shitkari
  • Surya Bhedi
  • Chandra Bhedi

In simple terms, Mudra is a sign language or gesture to express the state of mind through the actions of fingers. It awakens the internal and dormant energy of the yogi's body. Some of the yoga mudras are Jnana/Gyan Mudra, Chinmaya Mudra, Vayu Mudra, Agni Mudra, Varun Mudra, Prana Mudra, and Surya Mudra.

  • Jnana Mudra
  • Chin Mudra
  • Yoni Mudra
  • Bhairava Mudra
  • Hridaya Mudra
  • Nasikagra Mudra
  • Khechari Mudra

Bandha means to hold, tighten, bind or lock. Practicing it regularly helps the prana energy to store in a particular part of the body. It also awakens Kundalini by controlling Prana.

  • Introduction of Bandha
  • Moola Bandha
  • Uddiyana Bandha
  • Jalandhara Bandha
  • Maha Bandha

Meditation is the peaceful state of mind. It is a mental exercise that involves relaxation, focus and awareness. This exercise is usually done individually while sitting in a calm position and with eyes closed. It is an important subject for our students to make them professionally sound for their Yogic future.

  • Introduction of Meditation
  • Benefits of Meditation
  • Om Meditation
  • Mantra Chanting Meditation
  • Soham Meditation
  • Shiva Meditation
  • Yoga Nidra Meditation
  • Tratak (Candle) Meditation
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Buddha Meditation (Vipassana)
  • Inner Light Meditation
  • Prana Meditation
  • Kundalini Meditation

Mantra Chanting is a spiritual practice. But besides this, it is highly recommended for emotional and mental balance. While chanting the mantras, you release stress and enter into a happy space.

  • Guru Stotram - Akhanda Mandalakaram
  • Patanjali Prayer - Yogena Chittasya Padena Vacham
  • Shanti Mantra - Om Sahana Vavatu
  • Pavamana Mantra - Asato Mā Sadgamaya
  • Food Prayer - Brahmarpanam Brahma
  • Completeness Mantra - Om Purnamadah Purnamidam

Yoga philosophy is also dualistic. The purpose of Yoga Darshan or Philosophy is to show the path on which one can walk and enjoy the whole life i.e. attain salvation. It covers basic Yoga Philosophy, history and concepts of yoga. It is a combination of both traditional Yogic practices along with modern lifestyle.

Yoga deals with the body structure and parts. It is important to know about the structure and function of the body before performing a particular yoga asana. It covers Anatomy. Learning and explanation of aspects of physiology and anatomy for increasing efficiency of classroom explanations, asanas corrections and cues.

The ancient medicinal science that originated years ago in India is Ayurveda. India is home to many herbs and natural medicines which not only cure the body but also prevents it from further upcoming diseases or illness.

Shatkarma is a cleansing technique that consists of six yogic purity kriyas (or actions), which are also mentioned in ancient texts of yoga. Its other name is Shatkriya. Through these six actions, the entire human body is purified. The class of Shatkarma gives a detailed description of all the six kriyas namely, Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Trataka, Nauli, and Kapalbhati. Shatkarma involves the sanctification of a body in the early morning in association with the practices of various Asana.

  • Neti (Nasal cleansing technique)
  • Trataka (Gazing practice)
  • Kapalbhati (Cleansing the lungs)
  • Dhauti (Vomitting practice)
  • Nauli (Intra-abdominal massage)
  • Basti (Reverse Enema)

Yoga deals with the body structure and parts. It is important to know about the structure and function of the body before performing a particular yoga asana. It covers Anatomy. Learning and explanation of aspects of physiology and anatomy for increasing efficiency of classroom explanations, asanas corrections and cuesWhat you learn is important but in a teaching training course, how you learn and how to convey the teachings to others are equally important. The class on Teaching Methodology is important as it helps in a broad way to make you a successful yoga teacher.

The class of a Yoga Alignment and Adjustment holds great importance as it corrects the posture and provides you with the right understanding of each pose or asana.

The prevention of disease through yogic actions is called Yoga Therapy. The purpose of yoga therapy is to treat various diseases by using all yogic processes like asanas, pranayama etc. All these processes have a specific effect on the subtle to the gross functions of the body.

Daily Yoga Schedule (Sample Schedule)

The 100 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course at Aatm Ygashala follows a strict schedule in compliance with Yoga Alliance standards. Nearly 6 to 7 hours of training time are assigned to some aspect of yoga each day. You could find the training intensive but enlightening.

06:00 - 06:45 am Pranayama
07:00 - 08:30 am Hatha Yoga Asana
08:30 - 09:45 am Breakfast & Rest
10:00 - 11:00 am Philosophy
11:15 am - 12:15 pm Ayurveda & Anatomy
12:30 - 01:30 pm Adjustment-Alignment
01:30 - 03:30 pm Lunch & Rest
03:30 - 05:00 pm Ashtanga-Vinyasa Asana
05:15 - 06:30 pm Mantras & Meditation
06:30 - 07:30 pm Self Study
07:30 - 08:00 pm Dineer
09:00 pm Lights Off

Excursions: Beyond the Courses



Opening Hawan (Fire Ceremony)



Parmarth Niketan Ashram



Kunjapuri/Balkumari Temple



Yoga by the Ganges



Meditation Cave Tour (Mouni/Vashishtha)



13th floors Bhootnath Temple (Sunset view)



Classical Music Concert (with Gurukul students)



Dance Class (Bollywood, Classical)

Food: Sattvic & Healthy

What we eat, not only influences our physical well-being, but also our emotions and thoughts. Yoga does not dissect food into proteins, carbohydrates or fats, instead, it classifies them according to the effect they have on the body and mind, into three types – Sattva, Rajas and Tamas

Sattvic food is the kind that makes you feel energetic & enthusiastic.
Rajasic food is that which brings about activity or restlessness.
Tamasic food is the kind of food that makes us lethargic or sluggish.

Accommodation: Clean & Comfy

Accommodations at Aatm Yogashala is a spanking amalgamation of both Indian traditions and modern amenities to make the students feel the essence of home away from their home and an adequate workplace for learning yoga. Aatm provides their students with two neat, clean & spacious Yoga halls in the lap of nature.
As we are tenacious to giving our students the best possible environment for learning so our yoga halls are situated near the lap of nature, along the bank of the sacred Ganga river, a peaceful and calm environment making it suitable for meditation & spiritual segment of yoga and the atmosphere ample for a healthy mind and body.

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQs

Yoga Asanas, Meditation, Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, Mudra, Bandha, Mantra Chanting, Theory, Ayurveda, Anatomy, Philosophy, Student's Practicum, Adjustment & Alignment.

It is good if you hold prior information on any aspect of Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama, it will lead you to a better understanding. Recommended Book: Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha (APMB).

We prefer the small class size of 10-15 students per batch. It helps to maintain the satisfaction rate of both teachers and students as well.

Related Yoga
Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Intermediate Level Course

200 Hour Yoga TTC is a gateway to Yoga Alliance. This is a 27 days course for becoming a certified teacher with RYT 200 Hours by Aatm Yogashala in compliance with Yoga Alliance.

Course Highlights:

  • Duration: 24 Days
  • Date: 03rd - 26th of every month (All dates)
  • Style: Multi-style (Hatha, Ashtanga, Iyengar)
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Location: Yoga Village, Swargashram
  • Certification: RYT 200 Hour by Yoga Alliance

Course Fees:

  • $1099 USD(Private Room)
  • $949 USD(Double Sharing Room)
  • $799 USD(Triple Sharing Room)

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Master Level Course

300 Hour Yoga TTC is an advanced course for deepening the study of Yoga. This course will last for 35 days with RYT 300 Hour by Aatm Yogashala in compliance with Yoga Alliance.

Course Highlights:

  • Duration: 28 Days
  • Date: 03rd - 30th of every month (All dates)
  • Level: Master
  • Style: Multi-style (Hatha, Ashtanga, Iyengar)
  • Level: Advance
  • Location: Yoga Village, Swargashram
  • Certification: RYT 300 Hour by Yoga Alliance

Course Fees:

  • $1399 USD(Private Room)
  • $1249 USD(Double Sharing Room)
  • $1099 USD(Triple Sharing Room)