Welcome to Aatm Yogashala blog Performing yoga is an art, it challenges you every day to cross both your physical and mental limits. You should start your morning with some yoga asanas for a healthy and fit body. For this, you have to dedicate only 30 minutes a day.
Yoga is not only used to increase the energy along with the creativity of people
but also reduces stress, increases concentration and strengthens the body’s
Yoga is one of the most effective and natural means to increase strength. Which we can adopt for a healthy life. This is an ancient art, which strengthens the body and also calms the mind. Let’s take a look at some simple yoga asanas that can help you build a stronger resistance.
Adho Mukha Svanasana – This is the bread and butter asana of Yoga. Adho Mukha Svanasana is a great way to eliminate sinus infections, relieving any pressure caused by a cold.
This asana also moves white blood cells throughout your body that help prevent infection. The asana is known as Downward Facing Dog in English. Apart from strengthening your immunity, it is also very helpful in building the body stronger.
Setubandhasana – Also known as a Bridge Pose, Setubandhasana is a wonderful asana that opens up the thymus along with our chest, an organ responsible for the development of T-cells, a type of white blood cell needed to support the immune system and fight infections. It strengthens the muscles of the body which in turn helps in providing you with the power and energy.
Supta Matsyendrasana – Supine Spinal Twist Yoga Pose or Supta Matsyendrasana is often referred to as a detox pose, which alternates compresses and stretches the spinal twist and torso, thereby increasing circulation to the stomach, kidneys, and intestines, which aids in digestion. Digestion and normal gut are essential for a healthy functioning immune system. When the immune system functions
normally then the body gains much strength.
Dhanurasana – Bow Pose or Dhanurasana is yet another pose that improves the flow of white cells by putting pressure on the digestive system. This asana puts pressure on the abdomen, which strengthens
the digestive system and heals by increasing blood flow to the abdominal organs, and because the digestive system is full of lymphocytes, small white blood cells that fight off invaders, strengthening it helps your body.
Bhujangasana– “Bhujanga” is a Sanskrit word meaning “Cobra”, hence Bhujangasana is also known as the Cobra Pose. It is a chest- opening pose that helps to release white cells improving the body’s
immunity. This powerful pose will tone your digestive organs, helping you get the most nutritional benefits from your food that will fuel your immune system. When you get the whole nutritional value of the food, then the muscles of the body build up in the finest way offering utmost
Note: The above article is written after getting the proper information from a
professional yoga guru. Still, it is advised not to start a yoga practice on your
own without any prior experience. Join a yoga institute for personal care.