Rishikesh is among the most evocative tourist destinations, loved by the people of almost all age groups. You will spark your senses by visiting this magical place. The soothing fragrance of the spirituality in the thick air of the city makes you go crazy. Away from the clamor, the city is rich in natural beauty …
As we all are aware of the fact that International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21st every year. But do you know that the idea of celebrating the International Day of Yoga worldwide was proposed by India’s current Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi? He proposed this idea of celebrating a day dedicated to yoga, …
Yoga is power! The power of our Subconscious mind, here arises the question; What is a Subconscious mind? I was reading the famous book by Joseph Murphy, “The Power of your subconscious mind”. The book was undoubtedly one of the most brilliant works of Dr. Murphy, which depicts the power of healing yourself, vanishing your …
1- Annamaya Kosha Annamaya Kosha is the physical body which needs nourishment to survive. The human being is a part of the food chain as any other creature (i.e. the mammals). It is the visible part of our Self and therefore we erroneously identify ourselves with it. It is the most vulnerable of the five …
Ashtanga practice is traditionally begun with the recitation of the mantra. What we call the Ashtanga Mantra is really two shlokas (verses) from different sources. The first is a verse from the “Yoga Taravali” by Sri Shankaracharya (one of the most important saints of India, a yoga master and proponent of Advaita Vedanta, a non-dualist …
During the monthly cycles, females tend to experience painful menstrual cramps.These cramps occur due to the contraction of the uterus to shed the endometriosisYoga poses can help you in dealing with those menstrual cramps. These cramps can be more painful and discomforting for some women.In order to honor that cycle, We recommend doing some of …
The following limbs as prescribed by Patanjali the first five are called external aids to Yoga (bahiranga sadhana) 1-Yama: Refers to the five abstentions: how we relate to the external world. (the five vows of Jainism are identical to these)Ahimsa- non-violence, inflicting no injury or harm to others or even to one’s own self, it …
Today we will discuss Importance and Benefits of Pranayama. Referring to pranayama, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras (2:52) state: Tatah kshiyate prakasavaranam – “Thence the covering of the light is destroyed.” Here the covering refers to that which obscures the chitta, consciousness, of the individual. Chitta is essentially pure, being itself made up of sattwa, but is …
There’s a lot to learn about the human body and it’s easy to get overwhelmed. As a yoga teacher, it’s helpful to remember that the biggest reason to discuss anatomy is to facilitate healthy practice and help students understand what’s going on in the body.If you’re not sure where to start, here are some key …
YOGIC LIFE ( take your yoga of the mat into your life for more balance and clarity in everything from relationships and parenting to your home and garden) Swami Satchidananda on yogic lifestyle: “When you do something, do it with one hundred percent of the mind. Don’t do it halfway. Whatever you do, do it …