Yoga For Fitness. As Sri Sri Ravi Shankar puts it, “Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiastic you are.” This is where yoga helps: postures, pranayama (breathing techniques) and meditation are a holistic fitness package. The benefits accrued …
Yoga is good for physical health; we all know this, but do you know yoga is also best for Mental Fitness? Yes, the daily divine practice of yoga will lead your brain to grow sharper and stronger. Besides the physical and emotional fitness, yoga is best for a healthy mind. In fact, it is key …
Daily Cup of Tea! Daily Cup of Coffee! These are so common; we come up with something new and healthy. Yes! What’s it? Daily Cup of Yoga! Yes! Tea gives you celerity, Coffee gives you energy, but yoga on your daily routine will give you a healthy lifestyle. So, Why don’t you switch to this …
A set of different postures and asana such as downward dog, warrior series or sun salutations is known as Yoga. Moreover, Yoga is not done only for gaining flexibility but it is also an optimum way to achieve strength, balance, and endurance of the entire body. It is an ancient method of healing, empowering, calming, …