Daily Cup of Tea! Daily Cup of Coffee! These are so common; we come up with something new and healthy. Yes! What’s it?
Daily Cup of Yoga! Yes! Tea gives you celerity, Coffee gives you energy, but yoga on your daily routine will give you a healthy lifestyle. So, Why don’t you switch to this healthy lifestyle? Let’s know more about this.
Yoga brings a healthy body and mind. Presently existing in many forms, yoga is becoming a keen interest of everybody. This ancient practice is a passion of people nowadays. Yoga is something that will make you fit, make you laugh, motivates or inspires to change your life.
“Rishikesh – The World Capital of Yoga” is the best place to add yoga in your daily routine. Daily Cup of Yoga at Rishikesh means to start your day freshened with the awestruck view of this beautiful city. It can truly be a life-changing experience. Located in the northern part of India, surrounded by the Himalayas and the pious rives Ganges flowing through; Rishikesh is a magical city attracting thousands of yoga and meditations practitioners all over the world.
With yoga in Rishikesh, you will definitely attain much more than you expected. The city will give you such an environment that you will love “Daily Cup of Yoga”.
This is all about practicing yoga in Rishikesh, now let’s continue with the benefits of adding Yoga in Daily Routine, simply speaking, let’s talk about the benefits of “Daily Cup of Yoga”.
1. Feel Different: You will feel light and energise after adding yoga on your daily routine list. You’ll feel different than before, i.e., more open, more present, happier, more confident and more relaxed. If you don’t believe us, then do add it on your daily routine and experience a new you.
2. Be Flexible: Among the lots of benefits of yoga, one is being flexible. Yoga gives you flexible, for which you will surely fall in love with. If you want more flexibility, then you should practice it daily. So, stay patient and get ready to build a flexible body and a muscle memory.
3. Gain more Strength: Yoga is not all about physical exercise, stretching or bending; more than this, it will benefit you with a surprising amount of strength. You better know, what the benefit to gain more strength is, more strength means to prevent yourself with injury, boost your metabolism and tackle every task easily and with a smile on your face.
4. Boost your Immune System: A healthy immune system means to relieve stress and lead a healthier lifestyle. With the yoga forms, you will twist, invert, and calm your body which will eventually help you with daily tasks.
5. Concentrate Well: With the daily cup of yoga, you will able to develop one-pointedness concentration and make you focus well on a one-single point. You can train yourself to be more aware and present. With the daily yoga practice, you will hold and update information on your mind more effectively.
6. Change the Energy: Starting your morning routine with a daily cup of yoga, i.e., with Surya Namaskar, Kapalbhati, Pranayama and other energising yoga postures, you can balance your nervous system, mind and muscular system.
7. Reduces Anxiety: In this hassle life, where everybody is surrounded by worries, problems and issues; it will be great if you find a way to reduce anxiety and tensions. The mind and body are so closely interlinked, practicing for your body will eventually improve your nervous system and relaxes the muscles and reduces the tensions.
8. A Healthy Skin: Almost everybody cares for their skin more than they care for health. So, beauty conscious, rapidly add yoga on your daily routine for beautiful skin. Yoga practices induce a better circulation and reduce stress levels which in result, gives you clear and soft skin.
9. Healthy Brain: With different yoga asanas and practices, you will boost brain-power and calm your mind. Further, some yoga practices like “Nadi Shodhana” is best for balancing the brain hemispheres.
10. Clear the Toxins: Yoga practice daily will eventually detox the body. Being aware and mindful to the thoughts will clear the toxins of your body. So, now, you are agreed to the fact that “Daily Cup of Yoga” is beneficial to you at a great.