10 Aerial Yoga Poses Guide:To Transform Your Fitness Journey

Aerial Yoga Poses

Namastey Yogis 🧘!! Welcome to the magical world of aerial yoga poses at Aatm Yoga Shala! It’s not just about staying fit, it’s a whole journey that challenges your body, clears your mind, and lifts your soul. Discover the joy of lifting your practice up high and feeling the healing power of each pose.

Aerial yoga gives you a blend of wellness that goes way beyond the regular mat. Whether you’re new to yoga or a seasoned pro, these ten poses will lead you through an amazing aerial dance. Are you ready to join our course? Let’s fly together at Aatm Yoga Shala! 🌟Explore My blog 🔥🔥

What is Aerial Yoga?

Aerial yoga, also known as anti-gravity yoga, is a contemporary form of traditional yoga practice that incorporates a fabric hammock to aid traditional yoga postures. This adds a new dimension to the practice, playing with gravity and suspension, enabling a broader range of movements, and enhancing flexibility.

Its benefits are manifold: it promotes strength without stressing joints, develops flexibility through proper alignment, builds core strength, and provides space for the spine, simultaneously promoting relaxation and increasing mental clarity.

10 Aerial Yoga Poses to Elevate Your Practice

1. Flying Pigeon Pose

The Flying Pigeon Pose, or Eka Pada Galavasana, is a powerful hip opener that challenges your stability and core strength.

  • Slowly hinge forward from the hips, extending your arms and keeping your back leg straight.
  • Shift your weight onto your hands as your torso becomes parallel to the ground.
  • Gently place your shin across the fabric as if resting it on a shelf, ensuring your ankle hangs off the edge.
  • Allow your back leg to lift off the mat, finding your balance as you adjust your position in the hammock.
  • Reach back with your hands and grasp the fabric for added stability, holding the pose for 5-7 breaths.
  • To release, carefully lower your lifted leg back onto the mat and step out of the hammock to return to a standing position.


  • Develops mental focus
  • Strengthens the arms and upper body
  • Stretches the hips and boosts flexibility

2. Inverted Pigeon Pose

Similar to the Flying Pigeon, the Inverted Pigeon takes the hip opener into a calming inversion.

  • Start in a standing position with the fabric set to hip height.
  • Place one foot in the hammock and extend the other leg away from you, keeping it straight.
  • Slowly fold forward from your hips, bringing your head towards the mat and reaching for your extended foot.
  • Allow yourself to relax in this inversion for 5-7 breaths before gently


  • Relieves stress and mild depression
  • Increases blood flow to the brain
  • Opens the heart and stretches the back

3. Star Pose

The Star Pose in aerial yoga is akin to the traditional Star Pose, but performed with your lower body through the fabric.

  • Begin by positioning the fabric around the waist area.
  • Lean back to transfer your weight into the hammock, raising your legs upward.
  • Gradually part your legs and lift your arms sideways to form the shape of a star.
  • Engage your core to maintain balance as you open your body in opposite directions.
  • Hold this position, taking deep breaths, for about 5–7 breaths.
  • Carefully exit the pose by bringing your legs together and lowering them towards the ground, allowing the fabric to slide back to hip height as you come to stand.


  • Gives a sense of openness and vulnerability
  • Strengthens the core and limbs
  • Enhances balance and spatial awareness

4. Superman Pose

The Superman Pose lets you defy gravity and float, resembling the caped crusader’s iconic move.

  • Position the hammock under your abdomen while keeping it away from your rib cage to avoid discomfort.
  • Lie face down with your arms extended forward, like a superhero taking flight.
  • Engage your core muscles and, with a slow and controlled motion, lift your chest, arms, and legs off the mat.
  • Reach forward with your hands and back with your feet, maintaining a strong and straight line from fingertips to toes.
  • Hold this pose, breathing evenly, for 5-7 breaths, feeling the engagement of your back and shoulder muscles.
  • To exit, gradually lower your chest, arms, and legs to the mat, release the fabric, and come to a relaxed prone position.


  • Strengthens the back muscles
  • Improves posture
  • Tones the glutes and hamstrings

5. Plank Pose

Aerial Plank challenges the core, arms, and shoulders, as you suspend your body in a straight line parallel to the ground, using the hammock for support.

  • Begin by placing the fabric under your pelvis with your hands planted firmly on the mat below your shoulders.
  • Step back with both feet, entering a suspended plank position with the hammock supporting your lower body.
  • Ensure your body forms a straight line from your heels to your head, engaging your core, quads, and glutes to maintain stability.
  • Keep your gaze down and slightly forward to align your neck with your spine.
  • Hold this position for 5-7 breaths, focusing on the engagement of your core muscles and the strength in your arms.
  • To release, walk your feet forward and allow your body to come back down to the mat, exiting the hammock carefully.


  • Builds core strength
  • Tones the entire body
  • Engages stabilizer muscles

“Aerial yoga is the perfect blend of freedom and focus, where the sky is not the limit but just the beginning.” – Amit Yogi,Yoga Instructor At Aatm Yoga Shala

6. Swan Dive Pose

Experience the freedom of flight with Swan Dive.

  • Stand upright with the hammock positioned under your arms and around your chest.
  • Slowly lean forward, letting the hammock take the weight of your arms as you extend them forward like wings.
  • Arch your back gently, keeping your core engaged to support your lower back.
  • Begin a graceful sway, moving forward as if diving into the air, leading with your heart and head.
  • Allow your legs to follow naturally, keeping them straight and together.
  • For a complete experience, swing back and forth slowly, building momentum with each sway for 5-7 breaths.
  • To safely exit the pose, reverse the sway, coming back into an upright standing position within the hammock.


  • Releases tension in the spine
  • Stretches the chest and shoulders
  • Engages the core and lower back

7. Floating Lotus Pose

In this meditative pose, you begin seated within the fabric, crossing your legs into a traditional lotus or half-lotus position. The suspension allows for a deeper spinal and hip opening.

  • Carefully sit down in the center of the hammock, making sure it supports your entire seat.
  • Cross your legs into a full lotus position if possible, or a half-lotus if that’s more comfortable.
  • Allow your body to find its center of gravity, feeling the hammock support your weight evenly.
  • Rest your hands on your knees with your palms facing up to adopt a meditative posture.
  • Gently close your eyes and take deep, even breaths, focusing on the rise and fall of your chest.
  • Remain in this position for 5-7 breaths, embracing the sensation of floating while calming the mind.
  • To exit, uncross your legs and use your hands to lift your body out of the hammock, returning to a seated or standing position on the mat.


  • Aids in digestion and elimination
  • Enhances focus and balance
  • Calms the mind and reduces anxiety

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8. Hammock Warrior Pose

Adapt the traditional warrior pose to a deeper stretch and balance challenge.

  • Ensure the hammock is secured at hip level and step your right foot forward between your hands.
  • Bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle, aligning it directly over your ankle.
  • Extend your left leg back, keeping your foot grounded and your leg straight.
  • Reach up and grasp the hammock with both hands, arms in a high V formation while lifting your chest and gaze forward.
  • Engage your core and thighs to create stability, allowing the hammock to assist in deepening the stretch.
  • Hold this warrior pose for 5-7 breaths, feeling the strength and stretch in your legs, back, and arms.
  • To release, slowly step back to bring both feet together and lower your arms, exiting the pose with control.
  • Repeat the pose on the opposite side, stepping your left foot forward to maintain balance in your practice.


  • Increases ankle and arch flexibility
  • Strengthens the quadriceps and calves
  • Stretches the pelvis and opens the chest

9. Backflip Pose

This pose brings the childlike joy of a backflip with the safety and support of the fabric.

  • Begin by ensuring you have the correct alignment and tension in the fabric—double-check that it’s securely attached to a support that can hold your weight.
  • With the help of an instructor, position yourself beneath the hammock, placing your hands on the fabric on either side of your thighs.
  • Engage your core and use momentum to rock back slightly, then kick up with one foot, followed by the other, as if initiating a backward somersault.
  • Tuck your chin to your chest to protect your neck, and as your feet begin to rise above your head, push down on the fabric with your hands to assist the rotation.
  • Continue the flipping motion by drawing your legs over your head as the hammock catches you, guiding the flip to completion.
  • As your feet come down, the fabric should support your lower back, bringing you into an upside-down position from where you can slowly release your legs down to the ground.
  • After completing the flip and coming back to an upright stance, end with a few deep breaths and a slow exit from the hammock under the supervision of your instructor.

Safety Tips:

  • Always practice with a professional aerial yoga instructor, especially when attempting advanced poses like Backflip Pose.
  • Ensure there is a clear area free of obstacles around the hammock before beginning.
  • Listen to your body and do not attempt the pose if you feel discomfort or dizziness.


  • Boosts adrenal gland activity
  • Provides a stimulating stretch to the spine
  • Increases mental and body awareness

10. Savasana in the Hammock

The traditional Savasana, or Corpse Pose, is taken to new serenity levels when you do it within the cocoon of your aerial hammock.

  • Gently position yourself into the center of the hammock, ensuring it is evenly balanced to support your entire body.
  • Slowly lie back, letting the fabric extend under you, from head to toe, cradling your body in a straight line.
  • Allow your arms to fall alongside your body or place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your chest to connect with your breath.
  • Keep your legs slightly apart, letting them hover without tension as the hammock supports their weight.
  • Breathe deeply and evenly, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, allowing any tension to melt away.
  • Embrace the subtle motion of the hammock, as it may sway gently with your breath, deepening the sense of relaxation.
  • Stay in this pose for 5-10 minutes, giving your mind and body the time to fully relax and integrate the benefits of your aerial yoga practice.
  • To exit Savasana, begin to wiggle your fingers and toes, slowly reintroducing movement to your body.
  • When you’re ready, roll over onto one side in a fetal position for a few breaths before pushing yourself up to a seated position, using your hands for support.
  • Take a moment to sit in the hammock, sensing the transition from the ending relaxation back into awareness of your surroundings.


  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Encourages deep relaxation of the nervous system
  • Enhances mental clarity and focus
  • Promotes a deep sense of peace and well-being

Food for Aerial Yoga & Benifits

Here’s a table that lists recommended foods that complement the benefits of aerial yoga by providing the necessary energy, aiding in muscle recovery, and supporting overall well-being:

Food CategorySpecific FoodsBenefits
ProteinsLean Chicken, Tofu, EggsSupports muscle repair and growth, essential for recovery post-yoga
Complex CarbohydratesQuinoa, Sweet PotatoesProvides sustained energy, vital for endurance during yoga sessions
Healthy FatsAvocados, Nuts, Olive OilBenefits joint health and aids in the absorption of vitamins
FruitsBerries, BananasOffers vitamins and natural sugars for a quick energy boost
VegetablesLeafy Greens, Bell PeppersPacked with fiber and essential nutrients for overall health
HydrationWater, Herbal TeasEnsures proper hydration, critical for flexibility and concentration

Pros And Cons of Aerial Yoga Poses

Enhances flexibility and strengthens the coreRequires access to specialized equipment and facilities
Improves balance and spatial orientationHas a learning curve and may be intimidating for beginners
Offers a low-impact alternative to traditional yogaRisk of injury if performed incorrectly or without proper supervision
Provides a unique and fun approach to physical activityCan be more expensive than other forms of yoga due to equipment costs
Promotes deep muscle relaxation and tension releaseNot suitable for everyone, especially those with certain health issues
Can help to overcome fears, such as the fear of heightsLimited availability of qualified aerial yoga instructors in some areas

Benefits of Aerial Yoga Poses

Aerial yoga isn’t just about physical fitness; it offers mental and emotional benefits too. Here are several ways these poses can transform your body and mind during the 100-hour yoga teacher training at Aatm Yoga Shala.

Physical Benefits:

  • A full-body workout that builds strength and increases flexibility.
  • Aiding in the relief of physical pain by decompressing the spine and aligning the body.
  • A fun and beneficial cardiovascular element as you partake in movements that take your breath away, quite literally.

Mental and emotional benefits:

  • Increases the release of ‘feel good’ hormones, such as endorphins, giving you a post-workout high.
  • A sanctuary-like environment promoting relaxation and a sense of well-being.
  • A mental escape, encouraging mindfulness and sharpening your focus.

Aesthetic Benefits:

  • The toning and sculpting of your body, fostering a lean and defined physique.
  • Improved posture, adding to your physical presence and confidence.
  • Enhances your beauty through the inner glow of well-being.

Nutritional Support of Aerial Yoga Poses

A comprehensive yoga practice, including aerial yoga, thrives on a balanced diet that provides the necessary nutrients, energy, and hydration to support the body’s dynamic needs. Here’s a peek into the kind of fuel your body may require before and after your flying yoga session at Aatm Yoga Shala, where you can experience the essence of yoga in Rishikesh and join the 200-hour TTC.

Pre-Practice Nourishment:

To power up for your session, opt for easy to digest, carb-rich snacks like a banana, a smoothie, or a plain biscuit to fuel your practice without causing discomfort.

Post-Practice Recovery:

After your invigorating session, aim for protein to assist in muscle repair and recovery. A protein bar, Greek yogurt, or a green smoothie can be excellent choices.

Tips for Beginners

Aerial yoga can seem daunting at first, but with these tips, you’ll be soaring through the poses with ease.

  1. Find a Reputable Studio: Ensure your aerial yoga practice begins in a well-equipped studio with certified instructors.
  2. Dress Appropriately: Wear form-fitting, comfortable clothes to avoid entanglement in the hammock.
  3. Understand the Sway: The natural movement of the hammock isn’t just calming—it can also help you ease into poses more gracefully.
  4. Practice Patience: Like any yoga practice, aerial yoga is a journey. Patience with your body and the learning process is key.


As we wrap up our exploration of aerial yoga, it’s evident that this form of practice is an enriching experience that offers numerous benefits. Aerial yoga combines the traditional principles of yoga with the unique addition of a hammock, providing a versatile and exciting way to enhance one’s physical and mental well-being. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a curious beginner, incorporating aerial yoga into your routine can lead to a deeper connection with your body, improvement in overall fitness, and a refreshed state of mind. The journey with aerial yoga is one of playfulness, discovery, and transformation — taking your practice to new heights at Aatm Yoga Shala in Rishikesh. Namaste.We invite you to join our course and transform your practice into an experience that lifts your spirits and strengthens your body. Whether you are beginning your path in yoga or looking to deepen your practice, Aatm Yoga Shala is your gateway to exploring the limitless potential within. Let yourself soar to new heights and discover balance in the air – come fly with us!

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Aerial Yoga Poses Are Beginner-Friendly?

For beginners, poses that keep you close to the ground are ideal. The Flying Pigeon and Star Pose are excellent starting points.

How Can Aerial Yoga Poses Benefit My Traditional Yoga Practice?

Aerial yoga poses can help enhance your traditional yoga practice by providing a new perspective on alignment and giving your muscles a different experience of flexibility and strength.

Can Aerial Yoga Poses Replace Traditional Yoga?

Aerial yoga poses can offer a vast array of benefits, but they are a complement rather than a replacement for traditional yoga. Both forms can coexist, each enriching the other.

Is Aerial Yoga Safe for Everyone?

While aerial yoga is generally safe, it might not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions, such as glaucoma, high or low blood pressure, heart disease, or pregnancy. Always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any new fitness practice.

Are There Weight Restrictions for Aerial Yoga?

Most studios have weight limits on their aerial equipment to ensure safety. Be sure to check with your studio for their specific guidelines.

Can Aerial Yoga Poses Help with Injuries?

Aerial yoga can help rehabilitate injuries, but it’s crucial to work with a knowledgeable instructor and potentially a physical therapist to select the most appropriate poses and modifications.

How Should I Prepare for My First Aerial Yoga Class?

Hydrate, wear comfortable clothing, and arrive early to your first class to fill out necessary paperwork and acquaint yourself with the studio and instructor.

What Should I Expect from an Aerial Yoga Session?

Expect to be challenged physically and mentally. Anticipate a mix of traditional yoga poses and inversions, all performed with the support and resistance of the aerial hammock.

How Can I Advance in Aerial Yoga Poses?

Like traditional yoga, progress in aerial yoga comes with time, consistency, and practice. Listen to your body, focus on your breath, and gradually work towards deeper poses as you build strength and confidence.

Where Can I Find Aerial Yoga Classes and Instruction?

Aerial yoga is rising in popularity, and you can find classes in many gyms, dedicated aerial studios, and in some traditional yoga studios. Many instructors also offer online courses.

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